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Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies


The Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies prepares students to work in a variety of intercultural professional vocations both domestically and internationally. The courses for the certificate may be completed online over a two-year interval. A completed Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies may be fully applied to the requirements of the Master in Intercultural Ministries or the Master of Divinity program.

Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies Program Requirements (21 credits)

Biblical and Theological Studies (6 credits)
THEO 501 The Christian Confession
One of the following:

  • OT 502 Pentateuch
  • NT 502 Synoptic Gospels

Personal Formation and Leadership (6 credits)
PT 501 Personal Formation and Development
LE 503 Leadership and Leadership Formation

Discipleship (3 credits)
One of the following:

  • ED 506 Discipleship Practices for the Church
  • MI 501 Personal & Corporate Outreach

Intercultural Studies (6 credits)
MI 502 Intercultural Competence
MI 503 Mission in Global Perspective

General Requirements for Completion and Graduation:

  • Completion of a total of 21 credits (as outlined above)
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.7