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Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Care


A Graduate Program of Studies in Spiritual Care is offered in collaboration with other graduate theological colleges in Alberta.  The other graduate colleges included in the agreement are:

  • Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary & College (CSBSC) (Cochrane);
  • Newman Theological College (Edmonton);
  • St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta (SSC)(Edmonton)

In commitment to creating competent, compassionate spiritual care providers to meet the needs of Albertans, the program of studies is intended to introduce skills for professional practice, disciplines for self-knowledge and self-care, leadership skills, and the ability to engage diverse sectors so that graduates are able to do spiritual care or chaplaincy work in a variety of contexts. 

This collaboration agreement pre-authorizes the transferability of the courses listed below. 

Given the flexibility of this Certificate, Ambrose will waive its residency requirement for completion and a passing grade is required for all courses transferred to Ambrose. This graduate certificate can be taken concurrently with a degree program or as an individual graduate certificate.


Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Care Program Requirements (21 credits)

Required Courses (12 Credits)

Basic Spiritual Care Skills
SPC 501 - Foundations of Spiritual Care (Ambrose) or
SSC 589 - Theological Reflection in Professional Practice (SSC)

SPC 625 - Professional Ethics (Ambrose) or
PPSYC 583 - Professional Ethics in Psychotherapy and Spiritual Care (SSC), or
STP 576 - Bioethics: Moral Issues from Life Sciences (Newman)

LE 503 - Leadership & Leadership Formation (Ambrose) or
2P3231 - Spiritual Leadership (CSBSC)

MI 502 - Intercultural Competence (Ambrose) or
SSC 547 - Diversity in Faith and Culture (SSC), or
MI 620 - Gospel in Multi-Cultural/Faith World (Taylor)

Electives (6 credits)

SPC 610 - The Ministry of the Chaplain
SPC 613 - Introduction to Prison Chaplaincy
SPC 615 - Spiritual Care of the Dying
LE 633 - Leadership and Resilience
CC 602 - Crisis Counselling
PT 501 - Personal Formation & Development

2C1243 - Dealing with Conflict
2P3215 - Spiritual Formation (CSBSC)

STP 575 - Spiritual Direction
STP 586 - Introduction to Pastoral Counselling

INTD 577 - Spiritual Assessment in the Promotion of Health

Field Placement (3 credits)
PT 712/721 – Pastoral Internship or Mentoring (Ambrose) or
MI 712/720 – Intercultural Internship or Mentoring (Ambrose) or
2P2341/2P2342 - Capstone Ministry I & II (CSBSC) or
STP 470 - Theological Field Education (Newman), or

Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE) (6 credits optional)
Students enrolled in the CPE program may have up to 6 credits of CPE applied towards completion of certificate (3 Field Placement credits and 3 elective credits)

SPC 715/716 - Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (Ambrose) or
CPE 5889 - Supervised Pastoral Education (SSC)

General Requirements for Completion and Graduation:

  • Completion of a total of 21 credits (as outlined above)
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.7