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Bachelor of Arts: Music Concentration (3 year) 


Bachelor of Arts: Music Concentration degree offers a broad-based, liberal arts music education as a foundation for studio or classroom teaching in music.

Profile of the Graduating Student

The graduating student will:

  • possess an understanding of the historical development of Western art;
  • possess an understanding of the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic resources of Western music;
  • have the ability to hear, identify, and work conceptually with the elements of music;
  • have a beginning understanding and familiarity with a range of significant musical literature, genres, and eras;
  • have basic playing proficiency on one’s instrument;
  • possess an understanding of rudimentary music pedagogical practices;
  • understand the demands and rewards of music as a vocational endeavour.

Career Paths

The Bachelor of Arts: Music Concentration prepares students for the following:

  • Entry-level positions in private music teaching, the retail music industry, church music, group music instruction, and performance groups.
  • Further educational pursuits including after-degree programs like a Bachelor of Education, or additional music studies through a Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Master of Church Music, etc.


Bachelor of Arts: Music Concentration
Program Requirements (3 year - 90 credits)

UNI 101 The Ambrose Experience (non-credit)

Christian Formation (9 credits)
REL 105 Introduction to the Bible
REL 161 Introduction to Christian Theology
3 credits in Religion (REL) at the senior level

English (3 credits)
EN 130 Introduction to English Literature

History (3 credits)
HI 140 Themes in World History

Philosophy (3 credits)
PH 125 Introduction to Philosophy

Science (3 credits)
*Note: Not all KIN courses can be used as Science credits; check the course descriptions.

Science or Mathematics (3 credits)
(the above, plus MA)

Social Science (6 credits)

Music Requirements (33 credits)
MU 124 Aural Skills I (1.5 credit)
MU 125 Aural Skills II (1.5 credit)
MU 136 Music Theory I
MU 185 Music as Vocation I (1.5 credit)
MU 203 Music History to 1825
MU 207 Music History since 1825
MU 212 Basic Conducting
MU 216 Studio Pedagogy
MU 236 Music Theory II
MU 275 Fundamentals of Music Technology
MU 285 Music as Vocation II (1.5 credit)
MU 309 Music and Culture
MU 485 Music Capstone Seminar

Music Ensemble (3 credits)

Cognate Requirements (3 credits)
3 credits non-music Fine Arts elective (ART, DA, FA, TH)


To meet senior level requirements in the program, 16.5 credits of electives must be taken at the senior level.

     Arts and Science Electives (9 credits, maximum 6 credits in Applied Music)
     Open Electives (12 credits)

General Requirements for Completion and Graduation

  • Completion of The Ambrose Experience (UNI 101) (non-credit; this course is required for all programs, and must be completed within the first two semesters of enrolment. Students who do not complete UNI 101 may not be permitted to continue in their program.)
  • Completion of a total of 90 credits (as outlined above)
  • A minimum of 45 credits must be taken at the 200-level or higher
  • A maximum of 42 credits taken in any one discipline
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.0, with a CGPA of at least 2.0 in Music (MU) courses.
  • Must complete piano proficiency requirement - see Music Department for details
  • Must participate in University Singers in the first two semesters of the program
  • Must participate in ensemble each semester registered as a full-time student
  • Must complete the ten-hour service requirement each semester registered as a full-time student