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PH 125 Introduction to Philosophy (3) A

An introduction to philosophy through discussion of topics such as the criteria and limits of human knowledge, the mind/body problem, free will and determinism, the existence and nature of God, and ethics.


PH 201 Logic (3) B

A course which helps students to think clearly and critically, and to present, defend, and evaluate arguments.  Topics covered include inductive and deductive arguments, elementary formal logic, good and bad reasoning, everyday fallacies in common language, and problem solving techniques.


PH 203 Philosophy of Religion (3) B

This course is a philosophical examination of issues concerning the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, the occurrence of miracles, the particularity of revelation, the validity of religious experience, and the place of religion in morality. Attention will also be given to issues concerning the relationship between faith and reason and to the relationship between religion and science.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 230 Philosophy of Law (3) B

This course exposes students to fundamental jurisprudential questions such as, “What is law?”, “What is the relationship of morality to law and legal reasoning?”, “What is the justification for punishment?” And the course examines the philosophical foundations of criminal law, tort law, contract law, property law, and constitutional law.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 240 Aesthetics (3) B

This course introduces students to the philosophical issues related to art and the apprehension of beauty. A variety of metaphysical and epistemological concerns will be addressed: What is art? What is beauty? Is art artificial or can it be natural? What is the nature and the role of the artist? Do works of art have meaning and if so, how are these meanings derived? Objectivism, formalism, subjectivism, and expressivism will be explored.

Prerequisite: PH 125

Note: This course is cross-listed as FA 240


PH 299 Special Topics in Philosophy (3) O

Special studies in Philosophy, as announced.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 300 Philosophy of Science (3) O

This course has three main objectives: to understand the nature of scientific reasoning and how that model has shaped and influenced our intellectual culture; to examine the ways in which science and Christian thought relate; and to evaluate the challenge of modern scientific theories and discoveries, including evolutionary biology, modern cosmology, and biotechnologies.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 302 Ethics (3) O

This course will introduce students to both classical and contemporary perspectives on moral philosophy. In addition to normative ethics the course will examine issues in value theory and applied ethics. Students will encounter the broad range of ethical controversies including, but not limited to, biomedical and health care ethics, foreign aid, killing and letting die, and other problems of social justice.

Prerequisite: PH 125

Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: PH 302 or PH 202


PH 320 Bioethics (3) B

This course examines the moral concerns related to a variety of health related services, research programs, and medical interventions. Issues to be examined include, but are not limited to, abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, stem cell research, reproductive technology, commodification of organs and bodily tissue, patient consent, and the distribution of scarce medical resources.

Prerequisite: PH 125

Note: This course is cross-listed as BIO 320. Non-BSc students must take the course as PH 320.


PH 340 Ancient Philosophy (3) O

An examination of Ancient Western Philosophy. The course surveys Greco-Roman philosophy from the Presocratics to early Roman Stoicism and Neo-Platonism in the early Common Era. A broad range of philosophical themes will be considered including nature, change, permanence, death, justice, law, knowledge, virtue, happiness, and love.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 350 Political Philosophy (3) O

Students are exposed to the major historical figures and ideas relating to political legitimacy and social authority. The course examines, amongst other things, social contract theory, liberalism, libertarianism, socialism, communitarian- ism, and multiculturalism.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 360 World Wisdom Traditions (3) O

The course is designed to expose students to a wide variety of sacred texts and wisdom traditions that have inspired countless generations across much of the world for many centuries. Acknowledging the traditional distinction between East and West, the course seeks to examine the points of contrast and similarity in how different wisdom traditions approach metaphysical, epistemological, and axiological issues and concerns. Attention will focus on the wisdom traditions of the Abrahamic religions, as well as Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Wisdom traditions from feminist and indigenous perspectives will also be explored.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 399 Special Topics in Philosophy (3) O

Special studies in Philosophy, as announced.

Prerequisite: PH 125


PH 405 Special Topics in Philosophy (3) O

Special studies in Philosophy, as announced. Prerequisite: Permission of the department


PH 490 Independent Study (3) O

Independent Study consists of an individual research project which investigates a problem area or topic not treated extensively in a regular course.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0