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ECOL 235 Introduction to Environmental Science (3-1T) A

This course will provide students will an overview of Environmental Science, including environmental testing, resource use by humans, pollution, biotechnology, conservation methods, industry standards, and environmental guidelines within Canada.


ECOL 319 Terrestrial Communities and Ecosystems (3-3L) B

This course will utilize a state factor approach to explore variation in such ecosystem processes as soil formation and transformation, water cycling, primary and secondary productivity, and nutrient use in plants, as it relates to biomes, ecosystems impacted by human activity, and ecosystem restoration.

Prerequisite: BIO 213 and BIO 310


ECOL 351 Conservation Biology (3) B

This course will focus on applications of ecology to conservation and sustainability. Emphasis will be placed on human-environment interactions and their implications for biodiversity, natural resource management, and endangered ecosystems and species.

Prerequisite: BIO 213, or BIO 133 and permission of the department

Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: ECOL 351 or BIO 351.


ECOL 383 Animal Behaviour (3) O

This course explores the biological basis of animal behaviour using key principles from the fields of ethology and behavioural ecology. Placed within an evolutionary framework, the unifying principles of natural and sexual selection are used to investigate the driving forces that have shaped the remarkably diverse and often strange suite of behaviours in animals that enable them to survive harsh climates, find mates, care for young, migrate across diverse landscapes, and learn to survive in their environment.

Prerequisite: BIO 213


ECOL 389 Field Course in Ecology (3) B

This course combines educational travel, cross cultural experiences, study and reflection to examine a variety of tropical ecosystems and conservation issues. Destinations will vary from year to year.

Prerequisite: BIO 133

Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: ECOL 389 or BIO 389.