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ECO 100 Introductory Microeconomics (3-1T) A

The determination of consumption, production, and distribution in the economy, and the behaviour of firms under various market structures. Microeconomics is the study of the choices that individuals and businesses make, the way those choices interact in markets, and the influence of governments – it attempts to understand the decision-making behaviour of smaller units within society.

Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: ECO 100 or ECO 110


ECO 101 Introductory Macroeconomics (3-1T) A

Macroeconomics is a study of economic ideas and the operation of the economy on a national scale. Topics of study include aggregate performance and policy, the determinants of national income, employment and the price level, the role of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy and promoting economic growth.

Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 110

Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: ECO 101 or ECO 120


ECO 202 Intermediate Microeconomics (3) O

The study of the theories and techniques of price theory and its practical applications. Building on the principles covered in ECO 100, topics covered include price, production, and distribution theories, the theory of the firm, risk and uncertainty, game theory, and the analysis of public goods provision and its impact on efficiency.

Prerequisite: ECO 100


ECO 203 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3) O

Building on the basic principles covered in ECO 101, this course explores the national economy in terms of the determination of national output, the general price level, the rate of interest, and employment. The course also analyzes the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies in achieving their stated goals.

Prerequisite: ECO 101


ECO 299 Special Topics in Economics (3) O

Special studies in Economics, as announced.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department


ECO 310 Development Economics (3) O

This course focuses on the economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries. Students will develop an understanding of development disparity in both economic and social terms, as well as methods of promoting growth and development. Issues such as population growth, urban migration, labour markets and income and asset inequality will be discussed. Economic development policy concerns, structural problems and the broader social and cultural context will also be considered.

Prerequisite: ECO 100 and ECO 101


ECO 340 Money and Banking (3) O

This course provides an institutional approach to finance and monetary economics. It analyzes the operation of the financial markets, the principles of money creation, interest rate determination, central banking, and the role of macroeconomic policy relating to the financial markets and the banking industry.

Prerequisite: ECO 203


ECO 350 Economics of Taxation and Public Spending (3) O

This course will examine the institutions behind, and economic rationale for, Canadian government policy relating to public expenditures and taxation. Topics include the history and present structure of government spending and taxation, the effects of personal taxation, the budgetary process, issues related to budget deficit, inter-jurisdictional issues, and public spending program design.

Prerequisite: ECO 100, ECO 101 and ECO 203


ECO 399 Special Topics in Economics (3) O

Special studies in Economics, as announced.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department


ECO 405 Special Topics in Economics (3) O

Special studies in Economics, as announced.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department