BIO 131 Introduction to the Cellular Basis of Life (3–3L) A
This course will cover the fundamental principles of cellular biology including organelle structure and function, metabolism, genetics, cell division, protein synthesis, and molecular biology of eukaryotic cells.
Prerequisite: Biology 30 or Chemistry 30
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 133 Introduction to Plant and Organismal Biology (3–3L) A
This course will comparatively survey the diversity of the major lineages of eukaryotic organisms – including vertebrate and invertebrate animals, plants, protists, and fungi. It will also discuss the ecological principles of organismal survival and interactions.
Prerequisite: Biology 30 or Chemistry 30
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 211 Principles of Genetics (3–3L) A
This course explores the discovery, organization and behaviour of genes and chromosomes, as well as associated applications and technologies, through the lenses of Mendelian, molecular, and population genetics..
Prerequisite: BIO 131
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 213 Principles of Ecology (3–3L) A
This course explores the central questions of ecology: what are the mechanisms influencing the abundance and distribution of species across time and space? Ecology will be explored from the level of the individual, population, community, and ecosystem, through such topics as niche theory, organismal interactions, population dynamics, biodiversity assessments, and ecosystem services.
Prerequisite: BIO 133
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 231 Cellular and Molecular Biology (3–1T) A
This course examines the principles of cellular structure and function, molecular organization, regulation of cellular functions, as well as the interaction of cells with neighbouring cells and their environment.
Prerequisite: BIO 131 and BIO 211
BIO 241 General Microbiology (3-3L) B
Microbiology explores the biology of microorganisms, namely viruses, bacteria, unicellular and microscopicmulticellular eukaryotes. The course will review fundamental information about the biology of these organisms and will expand this knowledge base with microbial genetics, diversity and ecology. The field of applied microbiology will also be explored in topics regarding health, industry and the environment. The accompanying laboratory component will introduce a variety of laboratory techniques to identify microorganisms.
Prerequisite: BIO 211, CHE 101, and CHE 103
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 245 Research Methods in Biology (3) O
An introduction to research in Biology with an emphasis on understanding the research process, including literature searches, experimental design, data collection, basic statistical knowledge, and its relationship to critical thinking.
Prerequisite: BIO 131 and BIO 133
BIO 269 Nutrition (3) B
This course covers the basics of nutrition, the processing of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as discussing energy balance, fasting, and weight control.
BIO 270 Introduction to Neuroscience (3) A
An introduction to the study of neuroscience and neuropsychology. Attention is given to the foundational issues of studying neurochemistry and experimental techniques related to the structure and function of the nervous system and brain.
Prerequisite: PS 121
Note: This course is cross-listed as PS 270.
BIO 299 Special Topics in Biology (3) O
Special studies in Biology, as announced.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department
BIO 301 Principles of Evolutionary Biology (3-1T) B
An introduction to the evolutionary processes that shape variation within and between populations and species. Topics include heredity, mutation, genetic drift, natural selection and adaptation, sexual selection, speciation, macroevolution, and implications for conservation and medicine.
Prerequisite: BIO 211 and BIO 213
BIO 310 Quantitative Methods for Biology (3-1T) A
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics. Emphasis is placed on practical application and students will learn to analyze and interpret basic statistical research. Topics include collection and presentation of data, descriptive statistics, introduction to probability theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. Students will also learn how to use computer software to analyze data.
Prerequisite: Math 30-1
BIO 320 Bioethics (3) B
This course examines the moral concerns related to a variety of health related sciences, research programs, and medical interventions. Issues to be examined include, but are not limited to, abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, stem cell research, reproductive technology, commodification of organs and body tissue, patient consent, and the distribution of scarce medical resources.
Prerequisite: PH 125
Note: This course is cross-listed as PH 320. Bachelor of Science students may take this course for Science credit. Non-BSc students must take the course as PH 320.
BIO 329 Molecular Genetics (3-3L) B
This course will study the structure of genes and the molecular mechanisms that regulate gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Topics include gene and chromosome structures, DNA recombination and mechanisms of DNA replication and repair, transcription, post-transcriptional RNA processing, translation, and post- translational modifications and the study of omics. Students in this course also learn the important molecular techniques, such as quantitative PCR, molecular cloning, and gene silencing.
Prerequisite: BIO 211, BIO 231, and BIO 241
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 330 Brain and Behaviour (3) B
An introduction to the neural basis of learning, memory, language, thought, motivation, emotion and behaviour.
Prerequisite: BIO 270 or PS 270
Note: This course is cross-listed as PS 330.
BIO 338 Developmental Biology (3-1.5T) B
An introduction to basic principles in vertebrate and invertebrate development. Students will study the intra- and intercellular processes that regulate cellular proliferation and differentiation. Topics include mechanisms controlling embryonic development, pattern formation, morphogenesis, and cellular differentiation in selected model organisms.
Prerequisite: BIO 211, BIO 231 and BCH 297
BIO 352 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience (3) B
An examination of the neural bases of higher human cognitive or mental function. Topics will include the strengths and weaknesses of current techniques for investigating mind-brain relationships and analyzing syndromes due to neurological deficits and diseases. Such techniques may include neurophysiological recording in animals, human EEG and MEG recording, structural and functional non-invasive brain imaging, and brain stimulation methods.
Prerequisite: PS 121 and BIO 270
Note: This course is cross-listed with PS 351
BIO 399 Special Topics in Biology (3) O
Special studies in Biology, as announced.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department
BIO 404 Biology Educational Travel Study (3) O
This course is an educational travel study.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department
BIO 455 Cancer Biology (3) B
This course will cover the manifestations of cancer types, the genetic factors that contribute to them, and the cellular response to those mutations. Cancer initiation and growth, as well as diagnostic techniques and treatments will be discussed on a biochemical, cellular, and genetic level.
Prerequisite: BIO 211, BIO 231 and BCH 297
BIO 489 Field Placement in Biology (3) A
A field placement to be arranged with a local business, non-profit agency, or other community partner, in which students apply their biological knowledge and/or laboratory and research skills in the workplace.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department
BIO 493 Independent Research Study in Biology (3) A
This course is a one-semester research project in biology. Students will design and implement a biology experiment, conduct data analysis, and disseminate this knowledge as a formal scientific report and an oral conference presentation.
Prerequisite: 15 credits of relevant senior courses in Biology (BIO, BCH, ZOO) and permission of the department
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 495 Independent Research Study in Biology I (3) A
This course is the first course of a two-semester biology research project. Students will choose a research topic of choice, conduct a literature review, and write a research proposal identifying a new research question and describing an experimental protocol.
Prerequisite: 15 credits of relevant senior courses in Biology (BIO, BCH, ZOO), a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and permission of the department
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 497 Independent Research Study in Biology II (3) A
This course is the second course of a two-semester biology research project. Students will design, implement, and conduct data analysis on the research project proposed during BIO 495, and will disseminate this knowledge as a formal scientific report and an oral conference presentation.
Prerequisite: 15 credits of relevant senior courses in Biology (BIO, BCH, ZOO) and BIO 495, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and permission of the department
Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
BIO 499 Special Topics in Biology (3) O
Special studies in Biology, as announced.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department