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General Admission Requirements


In addition to meeting the English Language Proficiency requirements, the following general admission requirements are required for admission:


Alberta High School Curriculum Students

Students may be granted Full Admission to an undergraduate program as a Regular Student by meeting the general admission requirements:

Alberta Grade 12 matriculation or equivalent, and the completion of five courses at the 30 level (or equivalent). A minimum 60% average in the five courses used for admission is required.

All applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency. Program-specific admissions courses may be required.

Five courses at the 30 level* include:

  1. English 30-1
  2. Approved core course
  3. Approved core course
  4. Approved core course
  5. Approved core course or approved option courses

*Two courses in the same subject area may not be presented to satisfy entrance requirements unless the courses are Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31.

*Only one grade 12 level course in a language stream may be used.

“Approved Core Courses” are a selection of provincially authorized senior high school courses at the 30-level within English Language Arts, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science and Social Studies and five advanced credits in Career and Technology Studies (CTS).

Approved Core Courses

  • Aboriginal Studies 30
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Career and Technology (CTS)
  • Computing Science 30 (5 credits)
  • Fine Arts (Art 30, Art 31, Choral Music 30, General Music 30, Instrumental Music 30, Drama 30, Dance 35)
  • Mathematics 30-1, 30-2 and 31
  • Physical Education 30
  • Physics 30
  • Science 30
  • Social Studies 30-1
  • Any approved grade 12 IB diploma or AP academic subject
  • Any 5-credit second language or language and culture course at the 30-level


Approved Option Courses

“Approved Option Courses” are a selection of provincially authorized senior high school complementary courses at the 30-level.

  • Social 30-2
  • Social Science grouping courses
  • Career and Technology (CTS) courses at the advanced level (3000-level) within: Criminal Justice Studies, Design Studies, Electro-technologies, Enterprise and Innovation, Environmental Stewardship, Financial Management, Human and Social Services, Legal Studies, Logistics, Management and Marketing, Networking, Primary Resources and Recreation Leadership
  • All dual credit courses
  • Locally developed courses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

See for the Alberta Government list of provincially authorized senior high school courses and codes.

Please note that in addition to the Basic Admission Requirements listed above, specific programs may have additional requirements for admission. See Program Specific Requirements


United States High School Curriculum Students

In addition to meeting the English Language Proficiency requirements, the following general admission requirements are required for admission:

  • Graduation from an accredited high school; and
  • Alberta High School Curriculum Students requirements equivalence; or
  • An American College Testing (ACT) composite minimum score of 22, or
  • A Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Reasoning Test minimum score of 1030 on the current two-component SAT test.


Other International Curriculum Students

Applicants educated in other countries may be considered for admission on their academic merits and Alberta High School curriculum equivalencies. All application supporting documentation must be submitted with English translation. 


Home-Schooled Students

A home-based learner may be admitted to Ambrose with the following academic requirements:

  • Meet the general admissions requirements for high school students according to their province; or
  • Complete an educational portfolio and
  • An American College Testing (ACT) composite minimum score of 22, or
  • A Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Reasoning Test minimum score of 1030 on the current two-component SAT test, or
  • A Classic Learning Test (CLT) score of 75.

Applicants will also be required to submit a letter of intent outlining educational goals and objectives, along with a home-based learner transcript (educational portfolio). Program-specific course requirements are required.

Home-schooled admissions requirements is restricted to Canadian or US citizens or Permanent Residents only.
*The SAT institution code for Ambrose is 5672.


International Students

Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada require a study permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to study in a program that is longer than six months at Ambrose. Ambrose is a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) recognized by the Alberta Government and IRCC – DLI# O18713147522.

Admitted international students are solely responsible for all arrangements relating to their immigration status and entry into Canada.


Dual Credit Students

High school applicants who have completed dual credit courses at Ambrose will be assessed for admission on the basis of the general admissions requirements.

All students seeking dual credit course enrolment must contact their school board directly.


International Baccalaureate (IB)

Applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma can be considered for admission as a high school student on the basis of their diploma score. A minimum total score of 24 points, including the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge, will be required for Regular Student admission.

Applicants who have successfully completed one or more Certificate courses will be evaluated for admission based on their high school transcript and IB Certificate grades and may be eligible for transfer credit at Ambrose.
*The IB institution code for Ambrose is 03552


Advanced Placement (AP)

Applicants who have successfully completed AP courses may use applicable AP courses for the purpose of admission and/or transfer credit.
*The AP institution code for Ambrose is 5672. 


Open Studies Students

This is a status granted to eligible students taking courses without enrolling in a particular academic program. This is a temporary designation only and students in this category are limited in the number of courses in which they can register (5 in undergraduate programs). Students enroling as an Open Studies student are expected to meet the English language proficiency requirements. To continue past Open Studies, students who have completed the maximum number of courses must apply and be accepted into an academic program. Students do not graduate from Open Studies.


Visiting Students

Students who are enroled in a degree program at another post-secondary institution may enrol at Ambrose with the following requirements:

  • A Letter of Permission (LOP) from their home institution indicating the specific courses approved to take and the semester approved to attend Ambrose; and
  • A copy of home institution transcript.
  • English language proficiency may be required.


Suspended and Required to Withdraw Students

Students who have been required to withdraw or suspended for academic reasons from Ambrose or another post-secondary institution will not be permitted to enrol at Ambrose until at least twelve months have elapsed since the students was suspended.

In addition to meeting current admission requirements, students may be asked to submit a letter of explanation of their suspension, outline their education plan, and why they are now likely to be successful.

Admission consideration will be based on current admission requirements. Admission is considered on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the relevant Dean.

Students who have been suspended twice from Ambrose or any other post-secondary institution will not normally be considered for admission.