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Classroom Community Standards


Students are responsible to conduct themselves in a manner that enhances, respects, and does not disrupt or bring harm or disrepute to Ambrose or members of the University Community. In accordance with the Community Standards and Procedures, the following outlines the Classroom Community Standards.

Standards of Behaviour in the Classroom Setting

Learning is an active and interactive process, a joint venture between student and instructor and between student and student. Some topics covered within a class may lead to strong reactions and opinions. It is important that Students understand that they are entitled to hold contradictory beliefs and that they should be encouraged to engage with these topics in a critical manner. Committing to this type of "active learning" significantly increases the learning experience for both teacher and student, and reflects the Christian imperative to pursue truth, which lies at the heart of the Ambrose educational experience. However, active discussion of controversial topics will be undertaken with respect and empathy, which are the foundations of civil discourse in the Classroom Setting.

Management of Behaviour in the Classroom Setting

Primary responsibility for managing the classroom rests with the instructor. The instructor may direct a student to leave the class if the student engages in any behaviour that disrupts the classroom setting. If necessary, Ambrose security will be contacted to escort the student from class.


Broadly defined, non-academic misconduct in the classroom setting includes behaviours that:

  • Violate established civil rights, human rights, and criminal statutes
  • Harm (or could be reasonably expected to harm) the mental or physical health or safety of self or others
  • Bully and/or harass Members of the University Community
  • Neglect or recklessly endanger the well-being of individuals, whether members of the University Community or not, that are a part of, or affected by, the classroom setting
  • Damage or otherwise interfere with the physical classroom setting
  • Violate the ethical standards of one’s intended profession (e.g., clinical settings, practice, directed field studies, internship, etc.).

Complaints and Appeals

Please consult the Community Life Standards: Complaints and Appeals for more information.